Marta's Rose Water
How to Make Your Own Rose Water & Enjoy the Health Benefits

The View from Marta's Rose Garden in Western NC

Marta lives in western North Carolina, and is retired to a beautiful, sunny homeplace of 9.5 acres. A few years ago, she added a narrow rose garden bordering her driveway.
The lovely sight brought her great joy every day.
She soon wondered what to do with all the abundant roses during the blooming season.

She gathered castoff vases for givewaways, and often blessed friends with a vase of roses. But there were still extra roses.

She began to research rose water and found it a fascinating subject.
Soon, her kitchen was a labratory of gorgeous crimson and pink rose waters,
as she studied and experimented with the different varieties, and their beautiful resulting waters.

From Marta:
Good luck with this amazing, natural, healing potion. We are so very blessed to have discovered this rose water. The longer I live, the more I have found that God made many of the best medicines, to be found in nature. We give God all the glory and thank Him for His healing powers.
Rose Water Cured Seborrhea for Her Daughter!
A serendipitous benefit was discovered when her daughter, plagued with several health problems, found that Marta's rose water was the only thing that was curing her Seborrhea (seborrheic dermatitis)!
Doctors generally prescribe an anti-fungal medication for Seborrhea.
Nowhere in Marta's research did she specifically find it mentioned as a cure for Seborrhea,
but that's exactly what they discovered, as her daughter tried it.
Marta did find it mentioned as a cure for eczema, psoriasis, and other skin issues.

Marta then began producing and bottling her rose water in earnest, to keep her daughter supplied with this life-changing health additive. She drinks the rose water and spritzes her skin with it.
At age 79, Marta decided to document and preserve her research, and this website is part of that preservation.
Read on to learn how to make your own rose water.
My daughter had seborrhea and was broken out all around her face, ears, neck, and places on her body. After I started making rose water and reading about all the benefits of it, I sent some to her.
The way I make my rose water, it can either be ingested or used on the body. She noticed a vast difference within just a short period of time.
I began freezing the rose water so it would last longer and she would have enough to get her through the winter months.
Her seborrhea has disappeared.... totally gone.
Her dermatologist is absolutely amazed, because we have been told that seborrhea isn't something you can get rid of.
Rose water balances the pH in your body and has so many healthful benefits. We just give God the glory for bringing healing to her. Seborrhea was not one of the things mentioned in the articles I read, about how rose water heals eczema, psoriasis, and other skin issues that were mentioned.

Marta got the idea to research rose water after reading Cathy Marie Hake's book Serendipity. Hake writes Christian romance novels. In Serendipity, it was discussed how the main character (back in the 1800s) helped finance their family farm by using her roses to make special potions. Marta began researching and found a wealth of info.
Here is Marta's Lesson on Making Rose Water:
I have 7 different rose bushes in my garden. Each one has its own distinct color and smell….so I do not mix them when making my rose water.
I choose roses that are fully opened
(if healthy looking) and those that have only opened partially. Do not use roses that have been sprayed with insecticides…wait until new buds grow out.
I grasp the rose by the petals and then twist the stem (sepal) and separate it from the petals.
I rinse only the petals in very lukewarm water. I usually do approximately 4 cups of petals
each time. I do a final rinse with distilled water or reverse osmosis water (which I have).
Place the drained petals in a stainless steel pot and cover the petals with distilled water.
Place a glass lid on the pot.
Do not lift the lid until the simmer time is up.
You want the condensation to drip back into the pot.
The petals will lose their color.
Next is an important step. You want the roses to barely simmer (NOT boil) for approximately 25 to 30 minutes. Start timer when you see it start to simmer.
Lift the lid so the water (condensation)
from the lid drips back into the pot, then strain the petals into a large glass bowl.
I use an 8-cup glass measuring cup with a spout
for easier pouring. The rose water should be clear, but if you see any sediment in it, then strain it through a coffee filter.
This usually makes about 4 to 5 cups each time.
I add about 2 teaspoons of Vodka in it for a preservative, and after it cools down some, you can store this in a glass container and place it in the refrigerator. With the vodka acting as a preservative, the rose water should last approximately 6 months in the refrigerator. If the rose water ever appears cloudy-looking, then dispose of it… do not use it.

Rose water freezes well in glass canning jars. I have no idea how long
you can keep it frozen,
but it works well to carry you through months when the rose bushes
are not bearing.
I also freeze some in ice cube trays, which is great to add to my
drinking water.
Rose Water with Rosewater Ice Cube
I also bought some glass spritzer bottles to use rose water for my skin, face, and scalp. These also make nice gifts to give to friends.
You can order spritzer bottles, brown bottles, etc. on Amazon.

Marta's "Good as Gold" Rose